Illustrative cover image for Bringing people together for good moments, and challenges loneliness

Bringing people together for good moments, and challenges loneliness

Tool for volunteer work

Motiview is used in several communities and municipalities as a tool for volunteer work and intergenerational programs

Prevent loneliness

Motiview is a well-being tool that promotes participation and social connectedness

Abilities - not disabilities

We focus on abilities, not disabilities, and challenge inactivity with pure life quality

Illustration for “Leve hele Livet” - Live Your Whole Life
The Norwegian Reform

“Leve hele Livet” - Live Your Whole Life

In Norway, the Government released a reform in 2017 to enable seniors to live an active and safe life - regardless of where and how they live. The reform highlights 25 solutions and several hundred examples from the municipalities including Motiview!

Motiview is being used by over 50% of the municipalities in Norway now to increase physical, cognitive and social activity in seniors to help them live a safe and active life.

Picture of Sue Rabey

It is absolutely fantastic to watch. People who can't walk suddenly sit there and cycle and all of a sudden they speed up their cycling.

Sue Rabey, Volunteer cycle host, Voss municipality, Norway

Cycle host video

Parners and Supporters

Innovation Norway (NO)
Norway Health Tech (NO)
Norwegian Smart Care Cluster (NO)
Illustration for A social technological solution
Social entrepreneurship

A social technological solution

Social entrepreneurship is a term that has gained more and more traction in recent years. But what exactly is social entrepreneurship and why are more and more companies seeing themselves as social entrepreneurs?

Read the story
Illustration for A bike ride for the memory books
Sykkelturen 2022

A bike ride for the memory books

Motitech was, together with good forces such as Norway's Volunteer Centers and Cycling without Age, one of the organizers of the signal event Sykkelturen 2022 - a project with the slogan "More activity - More joy".

Do you wonder how can you facilitate for increased participation and voluntary work in the municipality?